@loneshark #racist #conspiracy gettr.com

For a long time now the Jews have controlled Hollywood. THEY are the ones pushing the leftist agenda. Have been for a long time now and this isn’t new information. Remember when Mel Gibson made that same comment? It used to baffle me how many rich celebrities were Democrats. I mean, why vote for an administration that likes taxing the rich?? It’s because they want to keep their Hollywood connections (Jews) for money, fame, power etc.... And while the Hollywood elite are blurring the gender lines & ramming “woke” culture down our throats, the Jews tell their kids to “marry a nice Jewish boy (or girl)”. Are you connecting the dots yet?
#zog #freedomofspeech #livefreeordie



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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