Doug Duff #wingnut #crackpot #mammon #conspiracy

Most talk of Liberating Humanity is just “fluff” and means nothing more than a show of Window Dressing for a “feel good” theatre attraction. Yes, the talk of stopping the Child T*********g, the New World Order, Debt Slavery, although very important are not the key factors of Liberating Humanity.

The Gestapo of Chaos and confusion is the Department of Justice (court system), wherein Identity Theft runs rampant as the system siphons financial resources from the People. To hold ANYONE in Captivity the first order of business is Restrict Their Movement; don’t let them move about. Ask the Israelites in Egypt.

I have written several articles on Identity Theft, which is the first thing (your ID) the Gestapo demands upon contact. An “Implied Contract” and a “Resultant Trust” is initiated with the first set of signatures on paper within the first contact (ticket), even though most officers of enforcement don’t know this.

To correct this massive error (not a mistake, but intentional derailment of mental process) the issue of Private Automobile and Operator Licensing MUST be eliminated nationwide. If there is no injured party there is no criminal act and there is no justification to demand an I.D. from anyone. Yes, the Law (on the books) agrees with everything I say, but the act of “Licensing” keeps everyone obedient to the Gestapo and the court system would go broke without a constant flow of income from Inland Pirates (police officers).
The underlying factor of the “temperature” of American Patriots is, we don’t hate police. We hate Inland Pirates. We love true police; they stop robberies, murders, and evil of all characters. However, like with all other corporate ideals, the 10% rule lies in the midst. Ten percent are as pure as the driven snow. <...>

Go ahead with your Window Dressing; it impresses people, but (with a stroke of a pen) you can solve most of the issues of Grass Root problems by stopping Inland Piracy.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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