David J. Stewart #fundie #transphobia #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

It is my personal opinion that this whole cross-dressing ordeal with Bruce (now Caitlyn) Jenner was planned long ago. The reason is because of the way it is progressing in social media, and the timing of it all. What are the chances of Bruce Jenner coming out as a woman right before the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on June 26, 2015 that same-sex marriages are now legal? And now Bruce (I'll never call him Caitlyn) is doing interviews nationwide, and even has his own upcoming TV show promoting his new deathstyle, which will debut on July 26. It is shameful. Jenner (a male) blasphemes God by claiming that God chuckled and made him a male with a female soul, to cause him internal struggle in life as a test...

[Snip news article]

As you just read, Mr. Jenner thinks that God chuckles over his cross-dressing. Jenner believes that God created him for the purpose of dealing with gender identity. My friend, that is hogwash! The truth is that Bruce Jenner is confused about sin. God in His infinite wisdom did not make a mistake when He made Bruce Jenner. God does not make mistakes. If God ever created a homosexual man, who desires to have sexual relations with other men, then He messed-up by giving that poor man male genitals incapable of mating with other males. Kindly, God did NOT intend for men to sodomize each other in the anus!!! Two men cannot naturally reproduce to conceive children. If a man believes that he is a homosexual, then God is calling him to a life of celibacy, because homosexuality is a vile sin (Romans 1:24-32).



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