various commenters #homophobia #wingnut

RE: Fewer in U.S. Say Same-Sex Relations Morally Acceptable - 64%, down from 71%, say same-sex relations are morally acceptable

( Lil-Porker22 )
It’s amazing to me how ALL the leftist policies and agendas advocate for less people, happiness, and family. And no one sees it.


( Lil-Porker22 )
Like I’ve said several times the state shouldn’t be tracking relationships at all. I agree let the gays be gay, but it’s the agenda of the + community to actively encourage homosexuality that will obviously lead to population decline.

( Chibastion )
That's fantastic. Gay people have to figure out that poop spreads diseases before anyone can consider them intelligent

( czaranthony117 )
2010 me: Let the gays get married. Leave these people alone. You right wingers are f*ckn crazy.

2023 me: Wait… maybe the right wingers were sorta correct?

What I find disturbing is that 6/10 gays that I knew in college and that were very politically active are all in education now, they’re teachers.

I find that sh*t to be so strange.

They literally are taking over the education system.

( wollier12 )
The pendulum swing to far and people are tired of being told what they have to think……nobody really cares when your business is essentially your business. When your business is forced onto others eventually they get tired of it. First we had to accept gay marriage, ok no problem you want to be miserable like most married couples, go for it. Now we have to be ok that men are women and women are men. Ummm sure whatever, ok. But you know it doesn’t stop there, next you have to accept the next big thing, pedophilia or beastiality as healthy outlets of sexual orientation. There’s never a point where people can say enough is enough.


( Liberty0rD3ath )
You’re absolutely right the state should not get involved with “marriage”. But “marriage” is a religious institution, always has been. Marriage is defined as between man and woman. The state forcing religions to accept homosexual marriages is blasphemy.

( HumActuallyGuy )
Who would have guessed people were more fond of something before that something started parading through the streets in bondage gear and forcing it down their throats with events



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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