crew2 #crackpot #dunning-kruger #sexist #wingnut

Experts are coming out to say that the birth rates in places like the US and UK are now at crisis levels and will soon be unsustainable. What is hilarious is the fact they act oblivious as to why this shit is happening and blame it on things like house prices, job scarity and any garbage that doesn't directly offend m'lady. The real reasons?

Feminists and the media teaching women they should not only be empowered but also to despise men labelling men as racists, rapists and toxic

Dating apps blowing women's self worth through the fucking roof making them not even consider settling with their looksmatch until they have absolutely no choice so they just fuck chads or do nothing for their prime and fertile years.

Slut culture is popularised and it is a border line crime to criticise it. Who the fuck wants to get with a slut?

By the time a foid settles down she will likely be too old to conceive a kid anyway

Government laws geared heavily towards female over male preference

Most relationships are ending due to women cheating

False rape accusations are now guilty until proven innocent...and its rare they are proven innocent and the guys reputation is gone even if he is

Foids are aborting like crazy

Divorce rape at an all time high meaning men know they could lose 50% at her very request

Shit like OnlyFans allows the most plain looking foids to earn money by what is essentially prostitution...but actual prostitution is still illegal of course you dirty misogynist

Left wing parties constantly pandering to feminine self victimising garbage

Complete societal destruction and misery all because of pandering to foids, feminism and degeneracy.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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