various commenters #wingnut #racist #conspiracy
( @Nature_and_Race )
The average person read Orwell's 1984 and saw a warning.
The Jews read Orwell's 1984 and saw a blueprint.
You think I'm exaggerating? I assure you I'm not.
@Nature_and_Race The kikes think they are Orwell’s Ministry of Truth.
( @Felix_Krull )
@Nature_and_Race Orwell read the Jewish blueprint and saw a novel.
( @multipolonius )
@Nature_and_Race The ADL n SPLC are total jokes, depraved totalitarians, lying vermin, corrupt globalist supporters, and why any organization, business or social media site listens to their constant braying and caterwauling mandates and dictates , shows how powerful ,malevolent and monopolistic the chosen tribe elites are in the west ... We are in trouble if this cabal cannot be exposed, rejected and completely reduced to the ashbin of history.... I find it repugnant what they have done to Kanye West , and I am no Kanye West fan by any means, but the man has a right to free speech without crushing financial , business n social brutalization or personal smearing !!!
( @PostUmbraLux )
I think your timeline is backwards.
By 1948, Orwell, a lettered man of the left, pretty much knew what the communists were thinking. Yes there were a lot of Jews and ex-Jews, but they had a lot of help. Orwell was trying to expose them to those who would be called "normies" today. They thought he was warning them about the Russians and missed what was going in in their own nations.
( @beeryswine )
@Nature_and_Race The red pilled read Orwell's 1984 and saw modernity.