Henry Makow PhD #wingnut #racist #sexist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

I left Canada for Mexico in December 2020 just before the unvaccinated were denied their freedom to travel by plane.

I returned in June 2022 planning to sell my house and return to Mexico permanently.

I quickly realized that, although brain-dead, (politics, media, schools-universities, churches) the country was still alive and kicking. Free enterprise is resilient.

During the dark days of the COVID hoax, I had given up on my homeland but on returning I realized the meaning of home. This is my home. I have lived here practically all of my 72 years. I have always been a Canadian nationalist and did my PHD in Canadian literature. I belong here.

I am not going to let a Communist dictator, Fidel Castro's son, steal my country from me. I belong here. He doesn't.

I was here before him. I reported his birth on the front page of the Ottawa Journal Dec 26, 1971.

I have fought for this country all of my life, and I intend to go down fighting.

I am an assimilated Jew. That means I put the human race, and my country first.

I am a fish out of water in Mexico.
The things I don't like are obvious. I feel unwelcome as a white person. (Yes, I identify as white.) Throughout the West, globalist Jews are replacing people of European origin. I hate that the globalists are flooding the West with single young male migrants who one day could constitute a military occupation force.

Whites are already missing from TV, TV commercials and political power. I resent that the mass media has abandoned its responsibility to uphold the public interest and report the facts objectively. It has gone over to spewing propaganda. I hate that Canadian docilely accepted all the woke bullshit and feminism but the tide is turning. The globalists are going to be defeated and I am going to celebrate the victory for nationalism.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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