Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #racist #fundie

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
The left is pulling every trick in the book to stop me because they know I'm one of the most effective Republicans in congress and I unashamedly stand for America First. Please chip in if you are able to help me stop this radical leftist plot:

The left is so afraid of America First fighters like @DrPaulGosar they openly encourage democrats to switch parties for primaries.

Seen in Lake Havasu City, AZ newspaper.

@DrPaulGosar Why did you vote yes on the resolution condemning antisemitism?

Are you planning to introduce a resolution condemning anti-white hatred?

@Zaklog @DrPaulGosar, because your racism makes you scummy.

@Viceregent1969 @DrPaulGosar And your anti-racism makes you both stupid and evil.

Anti-racism kills. Anti-racism killed Joshua Ahren Dehart and Ryan Rogers. Take it straight back to Hell.

@DrPaulGosar You're don't unashamedly stand for America First; you're unashamedly for Israel First.

@DrPaulGosar Today's 'democrats' are traitors. No civil and sane person today would be able to vote for a democrat without violating their conscience.

@DrPaulGosar The left cheats, and cheats, and cheats - we need MAGA Republicans to shut them down, and prosecute them for their illegal and unethical behavior and acts.

@DrPaulGosar the globalist are trying to take JEHOVAH God the Great I AM that I AM out of everything. But, they will not be successful because you cannot take God JEHOVAH out of us!!! We win,,they will be destroyed and if they do not repent and accept Jesus as the Christ they will be judged at the Great White Thrown Judgement and thrown into different levels of hell where there is no escape. Once the Church is gone,,,then they will have their way for a while. Hallelujah Jesus! King of Kings and Lord of ALL!!!šŸ˜šŸ™āœļø

@DrPaulGosar name the Jew then you coward or fuck off



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