various commenters #transphobia
RE: "Do you have a minute to support trans kids?"
( DurableBook )
One of them once asked me, very aggressively, "So what if one of YOUR kids tells you they are trans, huh?!"
I replied that I would reassure my child that there is nothing wrong with who they are, and I would try to find out where they got the idea that they need to change themselves in order to be okay.
I was informed that I am a hateful bigot who practices conversion therapy.
( TwoXChromosomes )
There is no such thing as a "trans kid".
( befana )
This would have been my reply, too. And I am always ready to go into a discussion about why it is wiser to change society than mutilate children whose behaviour is questioning gender stereotypes.
( syntaxerror )
Human nature and human history is shockingly cyclical. You would think it wouldn’t be, what with every generation increasing our collective knowledge, especially with the internet, but it is.
Every decade, every century, there is a new snake oil or lobotomy. A medical miracle that breaks the bounds of modern science! Sure, it seems a bit unorthodox and medieval, but look at the amazing effects it has!
The problem is, with each passing century we get better technology, meaning that the damage in some cases can be far more catastrophic and far reaching. As we see here. It’s weird because I can already see the thinkpieces, documentaries, books that will be written on this time from 2015-2025, these ten years where this all spiraled out of control, and the fallout, which has yet to be fully understood. Can you imagine what they’ll think of us years from now? I suspect that a lot of dissenting voices will be lost to time but at least we can feel proud that we didn’t mindlessly agree to castrate and sterilize adolescents in name of pseudoscience
( IrishTheFrenchie )
"Do you have a minute to talk about Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?"
"Do you have a minute to talk about Scientology?"
"Do you have a minute to talk about the Revelation?"
Do they even hear themselves?
( Spencer_Shayy )
Right? I was just thinking this. My reply would've been, "No, I'm not religious", because 1) what this handmaiden said literally sounds like a Jehovah's Witness proselytizing, and 2) the belief in "gender identity" is akin to religious beliefs.