Says who? It’s boys that don’t make an effort in school, and fail to get the grades. But, they still usually end up with better-paying jobs than the more skilled and experienced women.
What color is the sky in the world you live in? I’ve lived my whole life in one of the richest countries in the west (and the world). I’ve never seen any sign of these mysterious “Chads”, and almost all the educated women I know are in longstanding relationships with equally educated men, and most have children, WITH those men (I saw photos today of a colleague and his son at the same age, and they were the spitting image of each other; no doubt whatsoever that they are father and son).
Who predicted it?
The men I know almost all have a significant other, one or more kids, a coupe of cars, a house, hobbies; you name it. All people where I live have driver’s licences as it’s a bit rural and you need a car to take you places. I lived my first 39 years in the second-largest city of Sweden, where it was easier to take the bus or the tram, as it was often hard to find parking, so I don’t have a driver’s licence, yet.
Testosterone value? It’s LEVEL, nitwit. Testosterone has no VALUE. As long as it doesn’t stop you from producing sperms, it doesn’t matter how low it is. Too high a level is usually more problematic than a low level.
Men tend to make more money than women, doing the same job, even when the men have lower education than the women. Men are seen as competent just by being men; women have to have twice the skill and experience to be seen as almost as competent as a man.
The system favors men, as it always did and it’s expected to continue to do so, for about 50-100 years, before women are up on men’s salary level.
Yes, if you whine about how oppressed you are, your privileges are showing more clearly than ever, misogynist!