brendan1903 #conspiracy #wingnut
The idiocy of the racist far left never changes. Instead of admitting their errors and working to preserve the American republic, 'progressives' have decided that they will continue with their failed policies of welfare statism and other socialist errors slipped in under the guise of fighting 'fascism' or Stalinism. Accusing opponents of conspiracy theories is a tried and true tactic, which keeps the public on Alex Jones and Flat Earth rather than the massive takeback of technology by the Likud Party as revenge for it's defeat by the US Army in WW2.
America's greatest 'allies' - the PRC and 'God's chosen people' occupying Palestine are stealing technology from America and selling it to the US' enemies - UK/Russia and Iran. There is even a website called 'UK Israel Tech Hub' where they reveal that technology and other information is being exchanged between Britain and Israel. Please note that Putin has been receiving military aid from Britain since around 2008 and these weapons were used in the invasion of Ukraine and Georgia.
Leftists claim to care about racism but the filthy Talmud and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians get a clean pass in the regressive playbook. Have they forgotten that Hitler and Mao purged everyone who opposed them after the 'revolution' or do they ignore this to continually focus on the failings of Stalin, Japan, Germany and most recently the USA?
Khruschev's implication that Communism would come to America via small doses of socialism was absolutely correct. The 'social democracts' trying to turn the United States into Scandinavia have no idea on the founding principles of the Republic and seem to ignore the fact that utopianism is incompatible with human nature. Like those who helped the CCP and the National Socialist Worker's Party come to power because they believed that free enterprise and Stalinism had failed them they think that they will somehow take power later on.
The Russian collusion narrative being pushed by the mainstream media is merely a usage of truth to push propaganda. There was indeed some collusion, but it was between the Russian mafiya and its main benefactor Chabad Lubavitch - a racist lunatic cult with connections to the Holocaust and drug dealing instead of the Russian state which is completely controlled by said people and MI6 through their agent Alexander Dugin and members of Trump's campaign team.
Before that mainstream political candidates were working with the Russian lobby for years. Why is that not a issue?
Dugin's book 'Foundations of Geopolitics' is a must read for those seeking to understand the truth about Russia. Putin is merely a front for the biggest scheme for world enslavement since the League of Nations. Britain seeks to dominate the Western nations of Europe and Africa through 'Eurasianism' which is simply put old Soviet era and Churchill-style thinking restructured for the modern world. The People's Republic of China and South Korea will handle Asia and the Americas will be reduced to a series of failed welfare states ala Venezuela.
This is euphemistically described as 'multi-polarity' to the fools in the alt right and also those following globalresearch and other Anglo-Soviet propaganda sites. Trump's campaign team was filled with Russian spies and was set up to get sanctions lifted. This along with the Seth Rich conspiracy theories and the disinformation known as the Steele dossier is the real 'Russian collusion' - and what every media outlet should be talking about.
Dugin defines any opposition to this neo-imperialism as 'Atlantacism' a veiled insult towards Josef Stalin and his pro American Kuomintang which invaded China to stop the CCP. To get rid of Atlanticism and make the world safe for British colonization again Dugin proposes breaking up the US with identity politics and alienating American allies. Do you get it yet denizens of Irrational Wiki and Snopes, or are you still following your leaders to the slaughter?
The fascists of the far left think they are better than the alt-right Bolsheviks and Wilsonians yet fail to see that they are no different. They think they will create a earthly paradise by censoring and eliminating those whom they don't like yet forget Christ's commandment that 'my kingdom is not of this world'.
To the SJWs who might be reading this, nobody gives a fuck except the banking and financial elite and thugs within the major superpowers who would love to see America go the way of Qing China, the German Empire and pre-1945 Japan so they can exploit the resources of Third World countries easier. Get some real mental health treatment and start attacking the connections between China, Russia and Israel instead of whining and crying like babies when ever you face criticism.