Logan B #crackpot #wingnut #fundie #ufo #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com
Just reading that GESARA probably won’t be released until enough peasants revolt against two things. Covid vaccinations and inflation.
500 Australians are filing a class action lawsuit against the government for wrongful injuries and deaths from vaccination induced heart attacks. Governments worldwide are pretty much ignoring and dismissing individual lawsuits totalling tens of thousands of claims but not enough.
70% of North Americans are reporting they are impacted by inflation with over 50% having trouble making ends meet but lip service isn’t enough. They are waiting for 100 million people to take to the streets. Everybody is too busy being slaves to take time off to protest.
Apparently all the crap humanity has been subjected to between 500,000 and 350,000 (depending on who you ask) years ago since the annunaki got here doesn’t count.
God has promised He will release His infinite abundance to His human children just because He loves us unconditionally regardless of everything but the problem is the people in charge (excluding St Germain) of GESARA don’t. God wants GESARA to start because that will be the real start of ascension and the time God personally welcomes His prodigal sons and daughters back home. He has the biggest party setup the universe has ever seen for this Event and He can hardly wait.
May 1st so far is shaping up to be just another day in not paradise but tomorrow is another day the Lord has made.