Bro. Eric Kalinowski #fundie #sexist #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia

Before we begin, pray for Bro. Steven when you get the chance for his recovery. As his accountability partner, I have been diligent in ensuring he remains safe from the wicked wiles of the devil.
Wicked Donny has been making a lot of moves to “support Christianity” and lots of self-professing evangelicals and Baptists have been eating this slop up like a pig at the trough! They’ll believe any conman and false prophet who tickles their ear a bit! Just because the last guy was even worse doesn’t make this not a danger to souls too! This is the guy who refused to put his hand on the Bible during his inauguration ceremony because he knows he doesn’t believe in the Bible!
First, this “anti-Christian task force” led by papist Attorney General Pam Bondi is a farce that’ll do nothing to protect true believers in Christ from the tyranny of “conservatives” like Neil Gorsuch who force godly men to hire sodomites and effeminate sodomites and put kids all over the country in danger! Wicked Donny also gave all that lip service to not transing the kids, signing an executive order he knows will be blocked by his liberal judges like Gorsuch and Barrett and the communist in hiding John Roberts! More useless lip service he uses to defraud the evangelical rubes who voted for him!
He created this new “faith office” as well that proves he’s not a believer in Christ! He first appointed a woman which the Apostle Paul says not to do (…) And for a good reason because the faith office leader Paula White is a nutty televangelist huckster who believeth not in the saving work of Christ! She said that we must “learn from and not convert” Jews despite Jews being misled by the false pharisaical doctrine of “rabbinic Judaism” and the satanic doctrine of Zionism! She also just like Kenneth Copeland and the rest of them beg for money and promise God will bless you if you donate another jet to their fleet so they can avoid the people of God in commercial flights! Wickedness and heresy! She also speaks gibberish that she calls “speaking in tongues” which is a gift that only existed in the apostolic age and was actually other languages that actually existed, not just gibberish syllables like this huckster Paula was speaking! Yet another example of why Paul said for women not to lead! She’s even dumber than Copeland and Joyce Meyer and Franklin Graham and John Hagee and the rest! (…)



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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