AtropaBelladonna, VestalVirgin & YesYourNigel #transphobia

RE: Study finds that suicide attempts double for men after having "vaginoplasty"

( AtropaBelladonna )
These days it seems like mostly HSTS get “the surgery”. It’s a little sad that somewhere along the line they were failed in getting the help they needed to accept themselves as gay men.

AGP’s that get it, regret it, and end it? To quote the tired old cliche, play stupid games win stupid prizes. Although they may not be quite as dangerous as the intact “transbians”, their exits probably makes the world a little safer for women and children.

( VestalVirgin )
People are more likely to commit suicide after their genitals were mutilated. How surprising. Not.

(I do actually wonder why the effect was not observed after phalloplasty. Women being more mentallly stable? It isn't as if the fake dicks don't rot and fall off. Though of course it could also be to do with the fact that TIFs aren't as misandrist as TIMs are misogynist, and don't expect an actual penis, whereas the TIMs think their fauxgina will be not as good, but even better than the real thing. Which of course leads to bitter disappointement.)

( YesYourNigel )

TIFs aren't as misandrist as TIMs are misogynist, and don't expect an actual penis

It always struck me that TIMs are defined by playing out femininity, whereas TIFs are defined as escaping femininity (rather than taking on masculinity). Hatred of women underlines both, whereas the only hatred of men you might see is TIMs being angry that men are deformed monstrosities because they don't have the perfect bodies of underage anime schoolgirls...which just turns back into being misogyny again.



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