Lance Welton #transphobia

Significantly, in line with the view that transsexuals are definitely not “born into the wrong body,” only 15% of them are exclusively heterosexual in their new bodies. [The Report of the 2015 US Transgender Survey, By S. James et al., 2015 (PDF)]

Steve Sailer seems, therefore, to have “tangled” with exactly the kind of people whom we would expect to be transgender: autistic, high testosterone, aggressive, outlier high IQ, and probably unhappy at a very profound level. This leads to a very weak sense of self, resulting in a need to overcompensate via an extreme, rigid (but ultimately insecure) identity: everyone must accept that they are “real women,” just as much as those with two X chromosomes are.

But, of course, they are not “real women.” They are men with very serious mental problems. No society should allow madmen—for that is what transsexual males are—to dictate its social policies, let alone (looking at you, Twitter) its codes of speech.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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