various commenters #transphobia

They're tying Parker posey to Nazis again

( Iceni )
I think it was a stunt pulled by the TRA's. I mean, they were all men in black and black masks, right? They probably decided on the day who should play a Nazi clothed in black and who should play a TRA Nazi clothed in pink and blue.

( Iota_Aurigae )
Now that I see this, I remember that the trans community (specifically TIMs) is infamous for having “former” Nazis…

( BehindtheCurtain )
Let's be fair. Very few TPA's are in shape the way those males were. Those were military or police trained bodies. There is some overlap, but I think it's more likely they came to piss off both groups and try to incite more rage.

( GrimeldaS )
Pretty sure there was at least one guy there is the son of a cop so I don't think it was TRAs. I do think the police deliberately allowed them past, either to discredit the women speaking or because they support neo Nazis. Unfortunately the whole situation has made feminists look really bad which I believe was part of the reason they showed up.

( SuddenlyRamen )
Yeah they're trying really hard to make that a thing. I wouldn't be shocked if they were TRAs in disguise or actors hired by them 😄

( bio-woman )
Didn't the person they "suppressed" attack someone? I know that people got injured at that point in the rally, but it was kind of hard to see what was going on during the stream.

( notsofreshfeeling )
A man in a wig ripped the microphone away from a woman speaking and would not let it go, resisted when they tried to take the microphone back. The body guard there was attempting protect the speakers.

One woman was taken to the hospital after being injured and the MP Moira Deeming was kicked in the shins.

( SummerGrl )
This is all over Twitter. They are pretty much using it to say "terfs" are nazis. It's pretty insulting. I don't want anything to do with that. Nazis are abhorrent and really have nothing to do with gender critical feminism. It's pathetic that TRAs can't differentiate between women who want to stand up for their rights and safety and people who openly advocate for killing others. TRAs have a very black and white way of thinking and that's not how the world works.



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