Medeea Greere #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon

As Nesara-Gesara build up continues… it’s actually rolling out
Will be rolled out

For that to occur there has to be a Black Swan Event which Klaus Schwab (the mask) has said is going to happen. That is, the Stock Market is going to crash. We cannot have two financial systems in competition with each other. Currently they are running along side each other, but not in competition.

Med beds will also be rolled out

Chaos predicted to create fear and division

This is all the Deep State have in their arsenal is fear and division

False Flags and shootings are going to be on the rise

Pipe bombs found on railway tracks to derail more trains

More chemical plants and food processing plants going up in smoke

Mass shootings in the States

This is not necessarily the Black Hats themselves creating this havoc, but the minions who are still working within the government, commerce and business. These people are following a directive given to them 6-12 months ago and haven’t received the memo that they’ve lost!

Part of the Nesara-Gesara build up is the fake World War III

World War III is going to be the great wake-up call for a lot of people. It may be the ‘event’ they are all talking about.

The fake Kamala Harris (the actress acting as Kamala… remember the mask lifting?) was in Germany accusing Russia of war crimes in Ukraine. She said that the American government had evidence of that. Russia asked for proof! Now Russia has moved a submarine closer to the American shoreline.

It’s all ramping up to this fake World War III scenario. (It’s theatre… This is all a script being acted out for the world to see… you must comprehend that! – Marilyn)

(Kamala Harris could not leave Germany on Airforce II because it ‘broke down’! Interesting fact!)

There will be:

Chaos in the streets.
False flags.
Mass shootings.
Anything the DS can put their hand to.

The National Guard are being deployed. It’s interesting to note that where the derailments have happened, they are on the streets already. Hint. Hint.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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