5nkcZJZ9 #crackpot #dunning-kruger #elitist #racist archive.wakarimasen.moe
>There are also large differences in moral character between the races, which are extremely important to civilizational success, and in this aspect in particular, all other races are grossly inferior to whites.
This difference is why I don't really include Eastern Europeans as "whites". Eastern Europeans have lived under different circumstances that shaped them differently for thousands of years. While they have full white intelligence, they don't have the full white moral character.
This can get confusing because there are quite a few Western European people living in Eastern Europe. Russia, for example, is named after the phenomenon of Western Europeans coming in to be the ruling elite of Eastern Europeans. The "Rus" that Russia is named after were a people, but they weren't Slavic like the Russian majority now and through history, they were Scandinavian. The country is named for needing the management of a Western European elite to function properly. Whenever Slavs try to rule themselves, they bring disaster upon themselves, through their inferior moral character.