Peak Trans / Maria Mclachlan #transphobia

How not to argue. A response to taln0reich
(note by submitter: continued from, Transscript starting around 8:47 and ending around 10:48 of a 36-minute video)
that's the first paragraph of a very long comment well worth the read. The only thing I would add is that this is a red herring. Really it doesn't bloody matter what your brain is doing. Men are typically bigger, stronger, more aggressive and more violent than women. Most violent crime is carried out by men. Most sex crimes are carried out by men. And a majority of trans-identifying men are heterosexual. This is why women need some places to be single sex. It really shouldn't be this hard to understand. Even for misogynists.

the next is in response to when I said

you'd think it boils down to a numbers game there are many more girls who are distressed and uncomfortable at boys being allowed into their toilets and changing rooms at school then there are boys who claim to be trans and want in there

Taln tells us that "it's not a numbers game trans girls" - by which he means boys who claim to be girls "need to be able to use female spaces in order to be safe from sexual violence" and he quotes an article reporting on some research done by a phd candidate. But that's irrelevant. I am quite prepared to take this claim at face value and believe that assault of any kind is more likely to happen in a male changing room. It doesn't follow that those males who may be vulnerable should be forced on girls. What about the boy who doesn't claim to be a girl, but who is nevertheless somewhat effimnate and crap at sport? Might he be vulnerable to bullying an assault? Should he be sent to the girls changing room? The male entitlement in the phrasing here just makes me want to throw up. Again, it's about males using females as shields, regardless of how the females feel about it. Their feelings don't matter. But this time the females in question are school girls and college students.



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