Devvy Kidd Not AI #wingnut #forced-birth #sexist #conspiracy

Authored by Devvy Kidd Not AI

Since Donald Trump was legally and honestly elected last November, brainwashed lunatics, insane maniacs in this country whether they be ignorant, empty headed female hosts on the propaganda box (The View top of the list), college students, and their America hating professors and the Democrat/Communist Party USA have been in meltdown the likes I’ve never seen in my adult life and I’ve been in the trenches full time for 31 years.

Hysteria by females running to get tubal ligations so they can’t have children because Donald Trump won the presidency, both the popular vote and electoral college! Trump is Hitler and he’s going to take away a woman’s reproductive rights when those pathetic brainwashed females don’t even know what they’re talking about.

The Democrat/Communist Party USA must be destroyed once and for all; leave that “party” if you truly love this country, freedom and liberty. Not to promote the Republican Party because if you honestly reflect back decades, when they held the majority in Congress with a GOP president, all they did was keep funding fraud, waste and kick the can down the road while ignorant Americans began the predictable destruction screaming to protect “our democracy”.
That’s where this country has been headed for decades and the Soviet-style propaganda being drummed into people’s brain and students in public schools (the younger the better) has birthed insane lunatics running governments from city councils, mayors, governors, state legislatures, Congress and the White House. From “woke” to out and out idiocy, what we’ve seen and been shoved down our throats is almost beyond words.
The bottom line is the evil forces, domestic terrorists behind the curtain are itching for conservatives and constitutionalists to do what they are doing. Another set-up like Jan. 6th. And, I believe they’re recruiting the brainwashed, ignorant and useful fools to carry out their plans.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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