REVIEW OF SOUND OF FREEDOM: THIS IS AN EXCELLENT MOVIE FOR THOSE WHO ARE NOT FAMILIAR WITH THE SAD STATE AND EPIDEMIC OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING ON OUR PLANET AT THIS TIME. Understandably a movie must focus on what it can fit into a 2 hour window and often important details get left behind. Unfortunately in SOUND OF FREEDOM they DON’T TALK ABOUT the underground TUNNELS OR KIDS BRED IN CAGES and the satanic aspect. From this perspective this movie is relatively tame and mainstream oriented.
They don’t talk about the ADRENOCHROME HIGHWAY distributing the glandular adreno in pills and liquids being SHOPPED TO THE RICH AROUND THE GLOBE. The longer people live the more they want to LOOK YOUNG… This is a huge problem. Until they start that DIALOGUE no one is gonna understand what’s really going on. Some of it is SATANIC BLOOD DRINKING AND twisted sexual power over others and the rest is all about the HUMAN DRIVE TO LOOK AND STAY YOUNGER.. AS THEY AGE… THIS IS HUGE.
THE REAL PROFIT CENTER: Production of Adrenochrome out of the torture of their victims is the real money maker side and is much like the illegal drug industry. Most humans DO NOT UNDERSTAND THIS. This is marketed right now mainly to the very rich and Hollywood type stars, and top industry leaders.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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