Don Spectacularis #ufo #magick #conspiracy

This is one of THE most profound spiritual channellings that was EVER given to me; AND it goes as FOLLOWS:

“You’ll meet your star family members and friends the day you want nothing from them.”

I’ll repeat:

“YOU’LL MEET your star family members and friends the DAY you want NOTHING “from” them.”

You see, as LONG as you WANT something from them, you’re FUNDAMENTALLY coming to them from a DIS-EMPOWERED place.

Because THAT’S when you’re saying: “YOU, the almighty ALIENS, are the CREATORS and (our) SAVIOURS!!!”

“YOU will SAVE us from whatever the [ insert evil person/group name here] DID to us. YOU will give us healing tech because WE ourselves can’t HEAL ourselves for SHIT. YOU will fix our pollution, our energy problems, our planet, and even our very CONSCIOUSNESS for us because WE cannot do JACKSHIT without YOUR giving us ANYTHING and EVERYTHING we WANT for FREE!!!!!!”

I hope you ALL can see where this is HEADED. And what ALL of this even SOUNDS like.

PUT YOURSELVES in the shoes of these aliens and see if ANY of the above statements sound anything even as much as CLOSE to “enticing” for you. Or imagine a bunch of immigrants wanting to enter into your country SAYING to you the EXACT same THINGS.

ABOVE ALL, you know what happens if /when they DO agree to something like this? (Which, by the way, they’ll ONLY do IF they’re EGOMANIACS and SERVICE-TO-SELF entities ready to get WORSHIPPED from HEAD to TOE by us HUMANS)

You’ll turn them into GODS.

Yep. Just what a world ALREADY INFESTED-TO-THE-BRIM with a SHIT-TON of violent religious groups needs right NOW; even MORE Gods (and their psycho fan bases) to contend with.

Not gonna happen.

Not even gonna be allowed to happen, folks.
Yes, they ARE assisting and they WILL continue to assist you in so many, SO MANY ways. But this is so NOT going to HAPPEN if it is not EXPERIENCED as a true blue union/reunion of EQUALS; or if you’re a weak, helpless BOOTLICKER wanting to helplessly “surrender” to our all-new alien “OVERLORDS”.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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