Gregory Hood #racist #wingnut
Life in Post-White South Africa
The true lesson of South Africa isn’t just that a white-run black country descends into the Third World when blacks take over. We don’t need South Africa or Zimbabwe to show us that. We have American cities.
The real lesson is that even with whites dispossessed, you don’t get racial harmony. In South Africa, If whites disappeared, there would still be tension between Indians and blacks and between black tribes. There would still be countless indigent, radical blacks who can’t understand why they are poor. If everyone is equal, there must be discrimination by someone. After decades in power, the ANC is running out of excuses. It gets harder every year to believe that the “legacy of apartheid” is the problem.
Where does this leave whites? They lack the numbers and the international support to “retake” South Africa. Maybe whites, Indians, coloreds, and even some blacks of good will could build a redoubt where some semblance of civilization could be maintained, but the same racial divisions would probably doom such a project. Shouldn’t every Afrikaner be moving to Oriana or something like it?
With the African population boom, South Africa is the fate awaiting every Western country that cannot keep blacks out. Hispanics and Asians should be paying attention. Even blacks who dream of owning property, living in nice communities, or simply avoiding bullets should be worried. They should think carefully about whether they really want a black-majority country or a black-majority world. Not even the co-founder of Black Lives Matter wants that. Look where she lives.
But immigration curbs just limit the damage. We need a place of our own. For the West to survive, we must live on our own terms. “Only we can be us,” said Jared Taylor, and only we can build our civilization. We need to get serious about starting our own communities. We’re a global minority. If we don’t defend ourselves, no one else will.