Various commenters #wingnut #racist

America was at its strongest when it was overwhelmingly WHITE, and when WHITE MEN held all positions of power and influence.

You want a strong America? Stop getting in the way of racially aware White men who are striving for power and influence.

(Donald J Trump)

@Nature_and_Race Make America White Again!

@Nature_and_Race WHITE men that had one goal in mind. To preserve our country to remain WHITE. The white men in office of the past were all corrupted even before 1900’s when the seeds of Jews was being planted

@Red_Bearded_Heathen @Nature_and_Race That's a fact make America non Jewish and you will have your Homeland back, that's your only hope.

@Nature_and_Race if America being white is what it takes to not have black fools detaining me and seeking to scam me of my money then i hope America becomes white again.

@Nature_and_Race He meant keep America (((Strong))) so that the (((fam))) can rake in another $518 million.


Do you think Trump is a jew?

I asked on another post of yours but I am guessing you missed it.

@Kriger1488 -- No, I don't think he's Jewish. But he's a billionaire and a Zionist, so he's a spiritual Jew.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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