various commenters #transphobia

California parole agent allegedly tricks transgender woman into leaving home, leading to arrest by ICE agents

( Mizuna )
Remember that infamous "Kamala is for they/them" political ad where she supported transgender surgeries for illegal immigrants? This is a real life example of what Harris advocated for.

( Lipsy )
Not just Harris on this one. Expediting the whole asylum process for "LGBTQ refugees"—which, realistically 98-99 percent of the time, is going to mean "recidivist violent perps who realize that this isn't just a dream, and that they really might just have green cards handed to them on platters simply for saying the magic words at the border" (with profuse apologies to the MAYBE 1 or 2 percent who are actually genuine homosexuals, and therefore actually genuine refugees)—was actually a plank in the published Democratic party platform for both 2020 and 2024.

( Carrots90 )
Couldn’t they have put an envelope labeled ’tween porn’ or ‘lesbians who want girl c*ck’ on the end of a fishing line

Then trapped him with a big net when he ran over?

( sylviasmushrooms )
This is exactly how I pictured it.

( Peppermint )
This was the only way I imagined it could have happened.

( Mirren )
I'm underwhelmed by this whole episode. Person who served time for murder got caught by the police for committing another crime (being in a foreign country illegally)... am I supposed to give a toss? I don't give a toss.

If this person had been trapped by a bear trap or forced out of the house at gunpoint or something violent... I might have given half of one per cent of a toss.



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