Michael Dargaville #ufo #moonbat #wingnut #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

My vision to help change the planet is to create a template for the perfect commune or intentional community.

Communes offer a solution as an oasis and sanctuary away from the multinational corporations who rule the planet and destroy nation sovereignty.

Communes offer genuine food security, free housing, free food, organic libertarian socialism, decentralised people’s democracy, natural medical care, beautiful organic foods and freedom.

My vision is the land is owned by governments (and the people collectively OWN the government) or public ownership so no land could be bought and sold. Alternatively options would be available where the land could be privately owned by a collective trust and this is indeed already happening widely around the world. Yet government owned or people owned or publicly owned commune land is based on the notion of pure libertarian socialism.
Many of those who know my journalism have read my stories about these benevolent human aliens/ETs called the Galactic Federation.

For 25 years I have been urging governments, countries and people to join the benevolent human Galactic Federation aliens who surround this planet in their spaceships.

Many advanced human alien/ET civilizations of the Galactic Federation across the galaxy use communes. COMMUNES ARE ABSOLUTELY USED EXTENSIVELY IN THESE CIVILIZATIONS.

The Galactic Federation want a world government based on sacred nation sovereignty and peace, somewhere near the borders of China and India, with China’s Sichuan being an ideal location.
The Galactic Federation saved Earth from negative reptilian reptoid alien destruction in 1999 and have been here ever since urging full alien official disclosure. We cannot join the federation until a world government is implemented based on nation sovereignty and this planet will be destroyed by these bad reptilian reptoid aliens if we don’t.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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