Suffering Mother #transphobia #conspiracy

I feel all the anguish that comes from this terrible cult for all parents including myself. Never in a million years did I think my family would be affected by this nor did I even know anything about it until it slapped me in the face! Recently, I asked that Chat AI to comprise a letter to my trans son and it refused!!! This how deep this still goes. I cursed the app then deleted it. I saw a picture of my son he looks different but somehow the same. It was a strange feeling but I saw the little boy that I raised deep in his face and it gave me some solace. I dread the holidays now which used to be such a wonderful time as I’m sure every parent does. Please God help us and most of all stop this incredible nonsense that is hurting so many people!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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