various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @Nature_and_Race )
According to some non-whites on Gab, it's wrong for pro-Whites to "brown bash" non-whites.

Seriously, we have open non-whites trying to dictate what pro-Whites can and can't do.

And for whatever reason, a bunch of self-proclaimed pro-Whites are supporting the non-whites who are trying to dictate White and pro-White affairs.

( @Shardik1 )
@Nature_and_Race it’s just the latest iteration of “mUh BaSeD bRoWnS”.

The same people dunking on boomers for based browning Candace Owens are sweating all over each other to elevate Shiva because he used the phrase “Zionist cock”

( @RebelPrepper1 )
@Nature_and_Race It's not too much to ask, but it sure seems like some (((pro-White))) faggots are addicted to non-White approval

I just want a homeland where
White people can be safe and
not have to worry about being
savagely attacked in the night.
I want a homeland where White
people can freely pursue their
racial and cultural destiny
without anti-White influence
This isn't too much to ask.

( @Fire_77 )

Not to mention, they still believe in the six million shoes

“jews are acting just like the Nazis!”

I told one of them that they deserve each other
Fuck it

( @Shotgun_Mouthwash )
I think we should definitely listen to non-Whites...

...cry as they board the trains

( @T0000008 )
@Shotgun_Mouthwash Or bleed out in a ditch for refusing to get on the trains, that's a crucial component.


( @littlefaith )
@Nature_and_Race Let’s not forget the ((campaign)) of disgusting videos titled “Dear White People” .and the (((campaign))) of (((intellectuals))) calling for the death of white people …SO .Dear Shitskins, (((reptiles))) invaders and mystery meats F@CK OFF

( @TheNotoriousMrDee )
@Nature_and_Race Ostracize the white lemmings and troll/mute the lower races.



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