pornoddio #crackpot #sexist

Selling out your incel brothers does get you pussy

Yes if you sell out an incel, you do get pussy. Some foids do this game to see how strong is our incel will. They pollute and taint many incels, once they get the pussy they know the incel covenant is broken and they don't come back and they also cannot receive the pussy again because the deal they made was a scam.


Just repeat step 1 if it works.

Maybe you don't know how normies work. They betray you for 10 euros. The normies betray you for the prospect of pussy, even when they know they cannot get that pussy.

If a normie has 1/1000 chances to get pussy he betrays his own family.

When a normie receives pussy in exchange for his services, not only his soul is destroyed he's also rejected by the enemy, he becomes more pariah than me.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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