Any way you parse it TC, you voted in the least capable moron because he was not Trump? And if Trump is being accused of leading a insurrection, then how many of the rioters have been charged with insurrection. Do you know. Let me clue you in...not a dam one. Do you know what the Jan 06 committee really is? Political theater and they sucked you in to believing that there was a insurrection going on. Now you are labeling Christians as fascists, Conservative's as Nazis. Didn't Biden say at on time he was going to be the great unifier ? Looks like quite the opposite. Taxes? Did you ever own a business? Do you know anything about write-offs? how to depreciate assets? I don't think Trump is a expert either, which is why he hires CPA's. So blame them if you do not like how he pays taxes
Now do I think he is a boy scout. No. Can He say dumb things on Twitter. Yes. Compared to Biden, Trump was 10x as effective. And do you know there is a poll somewhere, that if Hunters laptop story wasn't covered up by your liberal press, that 15% of those who voted for Biden wouldn't have. So keep hating TC, I'm sure you'll keep believing the news you hear from the liberal fanatic sources you listen to
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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