Cosmic Convergence Research Group #conspiracy #ufo #wingnut #magick

2020 saw the three unparalleled cataclysms devastate the planet as no other year in modern history—THE GREAT SCAMDEMIC, THE GREAT RESET, and THE GREAT STEALECTION.
Which brings us to the $64,000 question.
Who or what is the prime mover behind the free-fall collapse of nations and societies everywhere?

Clearly, this utterly demonic force is not human; clearly it is an off-planet entity that controls by remote its many minions who are totally subservient to its nakedly satanic agenda.

Evil entities have existed in the world since time immemorial. Some of them live as EBEs — Extra-Terrestrial Biological Entities — in other realms or planes of existence.

One such leader of the forces of darkness was identified by the great Austrian philosopher, social reformer, esotericist, clairvoyant Rudolph Steiner. Steiner contemplated the nature of evil in the world long and hard over the course of his lifetime. Because of his exceedingly enlightened work, he often confronted the raw power and influence of a dominant evil entity he called Ahriman, also known as Lucifer.
However, Ahriman is a wicked entity that is continually blinded by intense arrogance and profound ignorance. Hence, it makes a LOT of bad decisions and then tries to clean up each and every mess by dint of force or sheer overwhelm, which it can do on demand.

Therefore, the whole world has turned into an unprecedented mess (and unadulterated disaster area) of truly epic proportions. This pivotal point in human history actually represents a very rare inflection point. Once this civilization turns the corner toward the light and rejects the descending darkness all around, the way forward will be made clear.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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