Sigurd #racist #wingnut
Thank you for a most in-depth, astoundingly enlightening article which tackles the very core of the issue of Latino/Hispanics in this country. It certainly was a knockout for the faint sympathy I may have had for some of the more compelling stories of "DACA dreamer" types..
A very interesting by product of your analysis was regarding a peripheral issue with broad implications, dual citizenship. As you state, reclaiming one's citizenship of birth "gives the lie to their oath of naturalization, in which they swore “absolutely and entirely [to] renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state or sovereignty.”
Isn't it interesting that there can be "dual citizen" Americans? I believe this subject is begging for a little (or a lot) of historical analysis & commentary. How could this have come to pass? How can this be allowed to continue to exist? (Well, maybe I'm not that surprised in light of the bizarro world we live in..)