Jennifer Hoffman #magick #ufo #crackpot
We begin the new year with a 6 vibration, much more settled and calm than the awkward 5 vibration of 2021. But this is not an ordinary 6 as it comes from the 2+2+2 which we only get once in a millennium and it underscores one of the big themes of this year which is energetic congruence and divine harmony. The number 2 is a pair, a couple, things that go together, resonance, sameness, and balance. And with January as a 1 month we have a 7 number vibration for this month, which is the number of spirituality, introspection, and creating balance within.
With a 7 vibration we have the wisdom and power to weed out the distractions, sources of chaos, and things that do not contribute to our forward movement. And as the first month of this new year, it’s a good time to start thinking about who and what you want to accompany you in the new year and how you want your year to manifest.
2021 was the year of energetic sovereignty and we got a rude awakening when we realized that it was not going to be an easy ride and a ‘done for you’ process. Instead, we saw that our energetic sovereignty was challenged at every step of the way and the more we aligned with it individually and collectively, the more we were met with tyranny and abuses of power. Well that is not going to change overnight but we have the upper hand and the numbers so stay the course and don’t give up.
The days of the Martyred Healer are over and we must now embody the Christed Awareness, our own 5D paradigm of heaven on earth and in that space there is no place for things that drain us of our light and energy and cause us pain. Welcome to the new age of self empowerment and good-bye to the days of suffering and taking on others’ problems.