@bjportraits #transphobia gettr.com

“Transgender” is a made up word. It was added to LGB NGOs in 2004-5, right after Tim Gill & Jon Stryker founded the 2 most powerful LGB (then) NGOs. In less than 2 decades language & laws r being mandated for made up sexes (synthetic sex identities).

Stryker is heir to a medical fortune & Gill’s $ come from computer software & AI design. They have poured billions into getting these synthetic sex identities rooted in law & institutionalized, just like the Pritzkers.

The more we argue against this made-up word which purposely has no borders, the more we reinforce it as real. It’s made up. This is a corporate coup. Global banks & the techno medical complex do not care abt the identity issues of some poor mythical marginalized group.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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