A. J. #homophobia #fundie realjewnews.com
I used to find “Will and Grace” funny and as a sitcom it was often entertaining. But the show clearly had an agenda and its premise was ridiculous.
Although the show’s main character was an openly gay man I don’t believe he ever had a boyfriend for most if not all of the show. It’s because making the show about the gay lifestyle would alienate too many viewers.
He lived with his best friend who was a young, 30-something who for a bizarre reason would rather spend all her time with a gay man then date men and get married.
There was also another flamboyant gay character in the show but both gay characters are heterosexual in real life.
Here’s the bottom line: Gays have embraced the frivolity and inanity of the culture they’ve created, not just in shows but in real life also.
They have been deceived, but deep down in their hearts most know their lifestyle will never be completely accepted. Hence they’ve created this fantasy world rather than face the truth. Most gays are messed up people psychologically when you get to know them.
Kirill had it right—”“Any sin kills the human soul and destroys people’s life. This sin [homosexuality] is one of the gravest sins because it changes people’s mental state, makes the creation of a normal family impossible, and corrupts the younger generation.”
We ought to have the greatest compassion for homosexuals and try to lead them back to Christ and away from the sin of homosexuality.