Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut #racist

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Voter ID Laws are only 'discriminatory' against criminals & illegals who shouldn't be allowed to vote anyway. Biden's DOJ suing the State of Arizona shows their hand - they don't want election integrity, they want the millions of aliens they imported to help keep them in power.

@DrPaulGosar without cheating they can't win..

@DrPaulGosar repeal the 1965 immigration act

@DrPaulGosar Don't accept the premise that discrimination is a bad thing.

Wait for those millions of illegals to TURN on the Democrats and RINO'S who brought them in to the USA.
When they start getting attacked by the very ones they want to use,
it will change because those illegals have ZERO allegiance to anyone but themselves.

@DrPaulGosar secession now!

@DrPaulGosar YES, and what race/religion PARASITE runs the DOJ? Say it, Paul. JEWS, JEWS, JEWS........ again... JEWS, JEWS, JEWS.
JEWS are so powerful in America that they did 9/11, GOT CAUGHT but none are executed or even under investigation.

@DrPaulGosar I have a great idea. Why don’t we take off the gloves for mass murder? Why can’t we do some “enhanced interrogation” techniques on terrorist shooters and murderers? What if these deranged psychopaths started to die in police custody? What if they disappeared indefinitely? Maybe we could create some deterrence to committing these heinous acts.

@DrPaulGosar How did we get from the Founding Father's intent of only White land owning males, to everybody?

Just in case anyone didn't believe me when I said "dark people" were meant to be nothing more than human cattle on plantations ghetto and barrio doing nothing more than subsisting and picking votes for demons in the DNC and, by damned, if they're going to wander off the plantation then the DNC will kill any number of "migrants" in semi trailers, hot deserts and rivers, off citizens with drugs and by cartel violence and do it without care or qualm in order to illegally import more votes cattle.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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