"While they are totally imature doing what they do"
(*Switches to Doug Piranha mode*)
Ah, so what the darlings of the Teabagger set, Batscat Shelly, Mike Fuckabee, Sarah Failin, Rush Limburger, Mike 'Savage' Weiner et al say is totally mature, is that what you're saying?
Just so long as we know...! [/hyper-sarcasm]
"I'm sick of being quoted by them"
And you're being quoted again. Vomit more, God's (Keyboard) Warrior. >:D
"so I'm gonna take the high road"
'An ye'll tak tha Low Road
An ah'll be in Scotland afore ye!'
[/No True Scotsman] X3
"and never mention them again, and hopefully that will stop them from quoting me."
Look through the entire quote archive of FSTDT. Find for me just one quote by a Quaker, Unitarian Universalist, Amish/Mennonite, Buddhist, Sufi Muslim, et al. Then you do the maths. Moral: There's a simple solution to having any of your right-wing fundie bullshit quoted here: become a left-wing Atheist. >:D
"I hope you have the decency to take down your quotes of me after this but I doubt it will happen. So all I can do is say this and hope I never get quoted there again.
Last time I will ever mention you guys again, just leave me alone and quit quoting me"
Your tears of impotent rage are sweet. Cry more, little fundietard. >:D
"Even if you do quote me again, I'm just gonna ignore it so don't bother because you wont get the satisfaction of me knowing it's up there because I'm never going back to that site."
Aw, c'mon and admit it, God's (Keyboard) Warrior: you need us to justify your 'Persecution Complex/Fetish'.
You'll be back, to check on anything you say being quoted, via Google (as do those on Ruptured Retards). Just as surely as you'll be quoted here in FSTDT again. We know you will.
Resistance is futile. >:D
Clicking on the quote link, it says 'This question has been deleted'. Mayhaps by G(K)W? But rest assured, your quote lives forever in FSTDT, God's (Keyboard) Warrior, so that your permaFAIL will be pointed & laughed at in perpetuity. >:D