various commenters #transphobia

RE: They. Can. Choose.

( SakuraBlossoms )
If it's so dangerous in the men's locker room, how would turning the women's locker room into the men's locker room protect them?

The irony of fighting to allow any man to walk into the women's locker room is that the men who are apparently attacking gender non-conforming men can follow them into the women's locker room just as they can do to women. Notifying the authorities if you saw this suspicious behavior would of course render you a bigot.

( vulvapeople )
Some of the only bathroom attacks of TIMs that I've heard of involved a man taking exception to a TIM in the women's and beat him on that basis. I've never heard of a TIM being attacked in the men's.

( Positronic_waves )
They kinda are convinced men would want to fck them as if they were actually women. Delusions.

( Itzpapalotl )
Exactly. Nobody is forcing them to (attempt to) disguise their biological sex. They choose to live a life of deception. The whole “born this way” thing doesn’t fly since they are literally trying to emulate something they aren’t and chemically and surgically alter their natural body. It’s just BS stolen from LGB people, who actually are born the way they are.

( Cantstopthemachine77 )
Yup, just another LGB thing they’ve piggy backed on!

( Eava )
Has there ever been a reported case of a TIM assaulted in a men's room? Especially at work? If employers can make everyone state their pronouns, you'd think they could tell the men who work for them not to assault their colleagues.

( DoomedSibyl )
I’ve wondered about this too. Don’t you think if there was a case of assault of a TIM in the men’s room that the TRAs would be shouting it from the rooftops? Hourly? Makes me wonder if it is all nonsense about being in danger in the men’s room.

( Eava )
Exactly. I have seen multiple analysis of trans murders and not a single one is related to a TIM being in a male bathroom or locker room. [...]

( DoomedSibyl )
Is there any way that we could turn this fact to our advantage in terms of resistance and activism? That men in women’s spaces is a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist? When the TRAs whine, force them to say it is really about being validated? Even just in conversation, can we start asking people to give an example of a TIM attacked in male spaces for being a TIM? It might make people think.



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