Various TERFs #transphobia

( kaitzi )
“Excluding trans people from yet another public space”

Um. Your order to stay away from playgrounds has nothing to do with you being trans, dude.

( SarahSaysSure )
What an interesting person. I wonder if colonists felt that locals were exclusionary when their homes barred them from entry.

(Excluding colonizers is perfectly fine, excluding marginalized groups not so much—that’s the distinction, the nuance if you will, that people seem not to understand. Of course, who’s marginalized and who isn’t should become clear).

( hmimperialtortie )
One thing these crossdressing men are not, is marginalised. Unfortunately.

( hmimperialtortie )
I wish male transvestites were excluded from all public spaces. Given how many of them are paedophiles, how many are rapists, and that all of them are fetishists, they should be kept away from all women and children.



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