Panel 1: Cletus is walking in front of three distributors, the first one for Q-pill, Trump-pills and Christianity-pills, the second for red pills and the third one for black pills
Panel 2: Cletus buys and then eat a black pill
Panel 3: Cletus is standing in front of a sky with dark clouds
Pänel 4: Cletus is turning his head to a group of Black men beating up a White man
Panel 5: The beating up of Panel 4 is zoomed in
Panel 6: Cletus walks to the group
Panel 7: the group of Black men has noticed Cletus
Panel 8: Cletus is running away
Panel 9: A sheriff star is shown
Panel 10: Cletus open the door of the police station
Panel 11: A Shiba wearing a police uniform. Above him are flying flags for Black Lives Matter, LGBT and antifa
Panel 12: Cletus is pursued by the same group of Black men. The police station has portraits of George Floyd and in front of the station is a street sign banning White men from entering
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