I originally compiled this as part of a conversation I am attempting to have with a town council member here in Sedona about how unscientifically and irrationally the situation has been handled. I request conscious individuals everywhere share this, and any other relevant information, with your local authorities and friends to help bring rational energy into play in our greater field, as most people are making reactionary decisions based on fear and false science.
One of the most important things that will come from this 'dis-aster' ("without star energy") is respect for our natural sovereign rights. No body of authorities has the right to shut down whole towns, tell individuals how to live their lives, and certainly not to enforce medical interventions (which mask-wearing and social distancing are, let alone possible mandatory vaccinations). Any of those things MUST come by agreement, NEVER by order. The foundation of the Aquarian Age is the remembrance of our inherent freedom and the respect of our power to choose for ourselves - that is the true meaning of democracy - living life consciously and responsibly, not remaining willfully ignorant slaves. To help Life create that state (which it is forcing on the old paradigm now) we must stand for it vibrationally and call for it in whatever way is right for us.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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