metabuxx #sexist #dunning-kruger
[Based] Terminating women's rights would prove to be highly beneficial for them
1. A growing percentage (the bottom 80%) of men are so desperate and sex depraved that they have resorted to raping women. But once women's right to participate in the workforce is revoked these men will get their jobs and will be able to betabux a woman each. Women will no longer have to live in the fear of getting raped.
2. Many men have started randomly killing foids and attacking feminists rallies and other gynocentric places. But after women's right to freedom of speech is revoked, women will no longer anger these men with their bullshit. This will help save plenty of lives.
3. The leading cause for the death of women is spousal homicide. And this is because a woman's mate selection process is heavily flawed. But this won't be a problem anymore once women's right to freedom of choice is revoked. They will not be killed in such large numbers by their partners once their fathers start arranging marriages for them.
And this is just the tip of the iceberg. There are a lot more benefits. We need to save women's lives and make this world a safer place for them by terminating their rights.