legopants #transphobia

I remember when otherkin was a thing, and was relentlessly mocked. You can't be another species! You have no idea what it'd be like to be that animal, and you can't change your body into one! Eating the same food as a black bear doesn't make you a black bear! These people have a mental illness!

Then along came trans, another group who claims to know how it feels to be something they aren't and never can be, attempts to modify their body, and is 100% believable, somehow.

What's the difference, exactly? I'll never know what it's like to be a cat anymore than I'd know how it is to be a man.

Why was body modifications to give yourself a snake tongue delusional unhinged behavior, but body alterations to turn a penis inside out and form a hole isn't?


I have been unable to think of even a translogic way to say it's any different.

A male can never know how it is being female, and vice versa. Just as a human will never know how it is being a wild animal, and vice versa.

Maybe a TRA would say it's different because animals don't have gender like humans do? Like they'll say women can know what it's like by chopping of breasts and wearing a man's clothes, but the fact of the surgery alone is something men don't experience so. In that case... It still doesn't make sense since gender and sex are different things. Animals don't have a society and the ability to impose stereotypes about behavior, appearance, or interests which is all gender is. Men are not required to be masculine nor women feminine, so by any logic, it is no different saying you're the opposite sex in saying you're a different species entirely. Men can be "girly", and a woman can be a tomboy, but they will still be male and female. To say you know the experience of being female because you like stereotypically feminine shit is to say that is what it means to be a woman and therefore women who aren't feminine aren't women anymore. Even men who have hundreds of surgeries to appear female, already don't know the experience from the fact they needed those surgeries to begin with.

Idk, it's all so ridiculous



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