Andrew Anglin #sexist #racist

[From "Iran: Guy Accused of “Raping” 23 Women by Pretending to be Argentinian Football Player"]

Women are so absolutely repulsive.

Imagine that it is considered “rape” in many Western countries to have sex with a woman by telling her you’re famous.

How about if we’re going to do that, we make it illegal for a woman to have sex with a man after telling him, “I’ve only slept with five guys, never any blacks”?

Because: what exactly is the difference?

If men and women are equal?

Of course, they are not equal, we live in a society where men are dominated and ruled over by cunts – which is why it is a “crime against humanity” to mutilate a female’s genitals, and it is encouraged by doctor in America for you to mutilate your infant boy’s genitals.


Lionel Messi’s Iranian doppelganger Reza Parastesh has denied tricking 23 women in his native country into sleeping with him after taking on the Argentine football icon’s identity to seduce them.

Spanish sports publications Marca circulated the accusations earlier this week that Parastesh had told the women he was in fact Barcelona’s all-time top scorer, which could be classified as ‘rape by deception’, illegal in some countries.


He went on to say that he would be punished for this if it had happened, but obviously he wouldn’t be in Iran.

He should have been like “motherfucker, this isn’t illegal in my country, we don’t live in a gynocratic matriarchy. These hoes are fake as fuck, and they deserve what they get for being ready to sleep with any guy who claims he’s famous!”

That actually would have made him more famous. And it would have made him a hero and an inspiration for oppressed men everywhere.

By the way: does this open back up the “are some Iranians actually white?” debate?

I mean, he looks exactly like the Spanish-Italian football guy.



I’m sure he’s had a nosejob (they all have), but he’s at least as white as most Southern Europeans.

There are definitely a lot of brown people in Iran, but I do think that their ruling class is more or less proto-white.

Not that it really even matters. We’re not trying to integrate these people into Europe or anything. But it does show that they are the Master Race of the Middle East and should be ruling it instead of the disgusting Sunnigger sandniggers that Blingrund Blingoff is BFF with.



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