Kerry Cassidy #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy
Supposedly Trump will return but meanwhile we are told the next HORROR SHOW being set up is Nancy Pelosi as …. President? In what Universe can that even happen. She’s a mad woman.
And what if Trump returns? More of letting the insane governors of states do what they want and turn our states into communist enclaves? When will it stop? If Trump comes back and plays the DEEP STATE GAME as before we are sunk.
What is it in these patriot’s psyche that allows children to be jabbed and possibly die in droves in the future? How is this ok? To wake someone up? The PRICE IS TOO HIGH.
TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK NOW. When you dress like a wolf for so long you begin to think and act like one…pretty soon …you are your worst enemy…. WHERE DOES IT STOP.
I feel sorry for Juan <O'Savin> having to prop up the morale of people in the midst of following their secret plan… the whole facade is wearing thin…He can’t keep repeating red sea/red October even as religious obsessives lap it up. The stupidity or fear of the people who have him on their shows without asking real questions is suspect in itself.
I suggest alternative journalists ban together and demand that Juan be asked real questions and open a REAL DIALOG WITH THE PEOPLE…enough with the boots and covert clues embedded in religious rants. The people whose shows he appears on reside in fear that if they ask the wrong question he will stop appearing on their shows…HOW are they any different than the mainstream journalists who kiss ass to remain on the air?
I fully support Juan and the white hats but I don’t approve of some of their methods. We the people are kept in the dark by two battling sides who favor SECRECY above all else..
If we the people are to stand up then we must demand the truth and share the truth… nothing short of that will change the world.
I WILL NOT BOW DOWN TO AN AI … REGARDLESS OF WHO IT SUPPOSEDLY SERVES! I reserve the right to question all who would try to shape my world.