Kerry Cassidy #magick #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy

MY COMMENTARY on Remote Viewing the future of humanity.

I took a look at two RV targets by the FUTURE FORECASTING GROUP and at the same time viewed the COURTNEY BROWN recent video called CRISIS: Farsight’s ET Board Meeting.
Meanwhile around this same time, Courtney Brown and his viewers are having conversations with ETs about an imminent CRISIS that according to the ETs they are communicating with, must happen in order to interfere with the grid/control structure which has already been erected. That control structure includes pervasive surveillance and an electromagnetic grid. This must be at least partially broken down through kinetic actions of the people now and in the next 3 months in order to take down the NWO Satanic Controllers.

If we look at Dick Allgire's recent viewing group target "Civil War" that outcome says yes we will have civil war. If you take Daz Smith's outcome of his target regarding which candidate will "win"... It would appear that conditions will be met when Kamala wins (through stealing) if the people recognize this, expose it and then rebel.

This would satisfy the ET necessary conditions for the complete changeover to happen on our planet and the resulting "catastrophic disclosure" needed to FREE our planet from the CONTROLLERS.. both negative ETs and their human counterparts the NWO/satanic cabal. So whereas having Kamala "win" is a bad thing the outcome for humanity will be ultimately be good if the people take things into their own hands and rebel. Through the chaos that ensues, the grid will, in theory be disabled long enough for the people to take back control.

This is seen by this group of ETs as possibly a once in a lifetime opportunity for our planet to break the chains of the controllers. It appears that the Q/white hat/Trump coalition reached this same conclusion. With the help of the military (Trump and the white hats) this may indeed be possible.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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