
Kerry Cassidy #crackpot #ufo #wingnut #magick #conspiracy kerrycassidy.substack.com

MESSAGE TO JUAN AND TRUMP. Area 51 = Secret Space Program = USAP …this trail is key as I hope you know. So you say Area 51 is run by the dark side military …this is known… So what about ALL THE UNDERGROUND BASES / CITIES/ OFF PLANET COLONIES… and how do you and Trump plan to deal with them? I know you won’t answer me and probably not read this but as you know I have been asking about this for months if not years. To take our planet back from the Reptilian/Draco/Grey Luciferian alliance is not going to be easy. Humans have a right to know this is a slave colony here on Planet Earth.
FYI….I have had a long running argument with many. MAGA people over whether the “white hats” are “in charge”. Especially _____ and _____. In my view it is insane to think the white hats are “in charge of the entire Earth”… But they continue to spout this out at every opportunity. Note: Juan has already said they are not “in charge of everything” but these MAGA people persist in repeating the white hats and Trump “know it all, have it all and are in charge”… But clearly these are people who do not acknowledge the Secret Space programs, underground cities and going off planet etc. It makes these MAGA people appear dumb and uninformed about the nature of reality to those of us who see the bigger picture.
Further religious programming is thick and unrelenting among the MAGA group and continues to fog and obscure their vision as to the multidimensional nature of reality. Juan and others that continue to promote the reptilian infested Vatican views are simply contributing another brick in the wall (to quote a famous band) preventing humans from seeing the true nature of existence or "life" on Planet Earth.

Much of this reptilian religious dogma acts as "comfort food" and furthers the deception with regard to how humans are toyed with, persecuted, trafficked, tortured, and otherwise the play toys for Reptilians, Draco and other negatively based alien races, vampires and the dark alliance.

Kerry Cassidy #magick #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy kerrycassidy.substack.com

MY COMMENTARY on Remote Viewing the future of humanity.

I took a look at two RV targets by the FUTURE FORECASTING GROUP and at the same time viewed the COURTNEY BROWN recent video called CRISIS: Farsight’s ET Board Meeting.
Meanwhile around this same time, Courtney Brown and his viewers are having conversations with ETs about an imminent CRISIS that according to the ETs they are communicating with, must happen in order to interfere with the grid/control structure which has already been erected. That control structure includes pervasive surveillance and an electromagnetic grid. This must be at least partially broken down through kinetic actions of the people now and in the next 3 months in order to take down the NWO Satanic Controllers.

If we look at Dick Allgire's recent viewing group target "Civil War" that outcome says yes we will have civil war. If you take Daz Smith's outcome of his target regarding which candidate will "win"... It would appear that conditions will be met when Kamala wins (through stealing) if the people recognize this, expose it and then rebel.

This would satisfy the ET necessary conditions for the complete changeover to happen on our planet and the resulting "catastrophic disclosure" needed to FREE our planet from the CONTROLLERS.. both negative ETs and their human counterparts the NWO/satanic cabal. So whereas having Kamala "win" is a bad thing the outcome for humanity will be ultimately be good if the people take things into their own hands and rebel. Through the chaos that ensues, the grid will, in theory be disabled long enough for the people to take back control.

This is seen by this group of ETs as possibly a once in a lifetime opportunity for our planet to break the chains of the controllers. It appears that the Q/white hat/Trump coalition reached this same conclusion. With the help of the military (Trump and the white hats) this may indeed be possible.

Kerry Cassidy #ufo #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy kerrycassidy.substack.com

At root this is an alien run thing...

Call it a satanic reptilian recruitment project.

As I have said many times courtesy of Captain Mark Richards… CERN has opened a wormhole to the DRACO galaxy where large Rep ships come in go to war zone and pick up scores of human refugees from war zones and take them off planet and sell for food, sex, slaves whatever to other buyers off planet.

Back in the days of Eisenhower our military did not have the tech to stand up to these aliens. They joined them in order to learn their technology. Well the time has now come. Our tech now equals theirs and they are ready to turn the tables. The trouble is that some of our military has fallen in love with the Reptilian agenda and can’t break away. War is coming a real war of worlds with the negative aliens and humans will have to choose sides. The military, the adrenochrome junkies and the vampires will have to take sides. It won’t be pretty….
From my pov it would appear that surface Earth is actually being run as a silo of the Secret Space Program made up of military with above top secret classifications and unelected officials who run the program.

Behind the walls of secrecy a great deal can be hidden. While humans on surface Earth get themselves into a state over the upcoming election the reality is the secret gov/secret space program operates with impunity and complete disregard of the chaos being orchestrated above ground.

This is not some side issue. This has everything to do with why the white hat military may be limited in what it can do or say regardless of “the plan”. Witnesses have shared with me that those that run surface Earth are actually controlled by this secret gov/secret space program. Why don’t they use blockchain for the vote? Because they want chaos.

Pay attention because these are the limitations faced by the incoming Trump administration. Wouldn’t you like to know who is really in charge?

Kerry Cassidy #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy kerrycassidy.substack.com

WHAT THEY WON'T TELL YOU IS THAT THE U.S. MILITARY has been trading HUMAN SUBJECTS IN EXCHANGE FOR TECHNOLOGY SINCE THE 1930S ..Humans that would be used as experimental victims, tortured and cut into pieces drained of blood and gladular material and become food, sex toys and ultimately killed by the aliens who feed off them. This is a genetic engineering of humanity that includes injecting humans with Reptilan DNA which becomes the primary cause for the ADRENOCHROME EPIDEMIC. Human slavery and sacrifice has surpassed the sale of guns and drugs around the world. THIS MUST STOP NOW.

WHY are they pushing Disclosure Now? A few reasons. 1. Through the deals they made with dark side ETs and some with the Pleiadians and others they now believe they can STAND AND FIGHT using the same tech they aliens have. 2. Even the aliens are pushing for disclosure so they have no choice. 3. Consciousness is at an all time high and the people already know a lot of the truth. 4. We have to negotiate with other species and races around the galaxies and need a United council on Earth to do so. 5. They need to take back our Earth from infiltrating alien races who have built bases both locally and in the sea. 6. They can no longer hide. 7. The coming war with ET and some AI will also involve the light and dark side humans who are already at war behind the scenes especially in the military

Kerry Cassidy #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy kerrycassidy.substack.com

According to my source US debt is “O” and was paid off… So everything the early part of the above SGanon broadcast is wrong. The trouble is he is believing the “news” which is full of lies…. Regardless of my source info I can say that I have other sources talking about the illusion of debt being used to try to change the system but that what is called “the right to issue” is not changing hands and so the families in Basel Switzerland are still being backed by off world beings specifically the Anunnaki in collusion with the Reptilians. While there may be battle going on to change this the evidence so far is that it is not being successful. Time will tell….

Of course I like you try to connect the dots in info I receive and what is out there. One thing I was told a few years ago is that there was an incoming alien race that was aligned with the Chinese who decided they wanted China to become the world super power.
I believe the white hats are aware of this but their ability to influence things is low at present although that could change.

Since humans in large part refuse to admit to the presence of the ET/inner Earth/intra and extra dimensionals they are like goldfish in a bowl refusing to acknowledge that someone outside the bowl has ultimate control.
Another case in point is Israel, Iran, China and other countries and the real reason war is breaking out has everything to do with the various races attempting to control the humans from behind the scene. These are off-planet races that have been at war for eons… and this has everything to do with current events.

All of life throughout the mega verse is consciousness and all consciousness could be thought as the play within the ‘mind’ of God. Therefore all life has sanctity and in order to for humans to have self-determination and sovereignty they must become aware of and acknowledge the reality of the existence and interplay of all life forms.

Kerry Cassidy #crackpot #ufo #wingnut #quack #conspiracy kerrycassidy.substack.com

Data points: Nicotine GUM OR PATCH is the greatest remedy to remove symptoms from venom (and spike proteins) per Dr. Bryan Ardis. MUST LISTEN TO ENTIRE VIDEO. THE PROBLEM IS THAT DR. ARDIS DOES NOT TELL YOU WHY THEY ARE DOING THIS....THE REASON THEY are now putting VENOM in our food and water is IT IS A REPTILIAN AGENDA…Everyone needs to understand WHY VENOM… from a REPTILE. This is directly linked to the Transhuman agenda to make humans more reptilian to increase the desire for adrenochrome/ preying on children and aggression. THIS IS A REPTILIAN AGENDA.

When will the White Hats Juan and Trump) going to start telling the REAL TRUTH ABOUT THAT TO THE PUBLIC?

See above if EBS was stopped what was the last card the dark hats played? His broadcast was a day before the UAP hearing so assuming it’s not that…

Personally I don’t believe that the dark hats are limited as to ‘cards’… they have an endless supply of dark deeds…


If Juan/JFKjr and Trump know the links between the two wouldn’t you think they would want to REVEAL THEM? That is, if they weren’t so busy underestimating the people’s ability to process and understand and take on board information.

Kerry Cassidy #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy kerrycassidy.substack.com

In the beginning, the cabal/deep state/Luciferian/NWO had a plan to cement their takeover of the world which includes a transhuman agenda via AI as key to their success. The only real thing standing in their way was and is the United States of America. Everything we are seeing stems from this. Two things make up the current backbone of America: The Trump White Hats military and their supporters and loyal patriotic Americans with guns.

This is the fight we are engaged in. What the NWO crowd did not bargain on was that the Freedom of the US would also become a 'cause celeb' for the rest of the world. Countries and people who did not go along with the NWO plan but who knew they were already a captured operation became inspired and are supporting this fight. They sense even when they don't grasp the whole meaning of the totalitarian NWO agenda that America under Trump is the last bastion of freedom on the planet.
The one thing that will erode support for the Trump/white hats and the people coalition faster and more completely than anything else is SECRECY. What Christ consciousness and Christ (sometimes called the Krist) is all about is Truth. Without truth there is no sort of unity/love and survival of our species going forward.
What the fight for freedom and sovereignty on Planet Earth demands is open communication and truth. The greatest challenges will present themselves once a certain degree of victory is secure. And this involves our relations with other beings and worlds of all kinds out beyond the borders of this Planet including inner Earth/ extra dimensional and other realms. While divided the secret space program has had dominion over our relations with other races, species both on and insde Earth and in Space. Decisions and relations in the exo-political landscape have been withheld from the general body politic both here in the US and around the world. This will have to change.