HeebJesus #sexist incels.is

[Venting] "Illegal" porn

Think about it like this: you can watch videos of people getting their dicks cut off and fed to them by cartels, you can watch videos of people smearing shit all over their faces, you can watch videos of women barfing into one another's mouth, you can watch men and women getting raped, you can watch women sucking a dog's dong, you can watch a man getting penetrated by a horses dick, you can watch people fuck corpses, but if you instead fap to 12 year old lolis in compromising situations, you are automatically given a life sentence and become the most hated person in the world. Does anyone see the problem in that? A woman hits puberty when she's 11 or 12, not 18. If she's old enough to bleed, she's old enough to breed. Another thing our cucked feminist controlled legal system thinks is so unacceptable that it must be made illegal is revenge porn. If a woman willingly sends her partner videos and pictures of herself nude, but acts like a filthy fucking whore and cheats on him, so he decides to upload her pictures, that's HER FUCKING FAULT. Maybe cheating on men and stepping on their toes is a form of abuse that should be punished by the law?

Seriously, we pamper women like they're fucking children.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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