Rev. Ralph Drollinger #fundie

[From "Is God Judging America Today?"]

Some leading evangelicals believe and teach that America is now experiencing God’s judgment.

If that is the case, as a public servant who is sacrificing so much in your attempt to turn our nation around, it would stand to reason—if those Evangelical leaders are correct—that you are wasting your time. Are you laboring against a foregone conclusion? I think not. But let me qualify that: I do not believe America is experiencing the forsaking wrath of God, but yes, American is experiencing the consequential wrath of God.

I will explain what I mean by those terms—theological terms that you should have a working familiarity with—in this study.

Read on, my friend.


In Romans 1:18– 32 notice the following five identifying characteristics that surface when God pulls back and allows a person or group of people to go in the way of their wicked desires. I.e., God no longer restrains the fallen nature of man as He usually does.


Further down in this section of the passage suppressors became futile in their speculations (dialogismo). Speculations is perhaps better translated into the English understanding of “argumentation or reasoning.”3The Greek sentence structure here carries the idea of the vanity that results from godless reasoning. Accordingly, professing to be wise they became fools (moraine). It is not difficult to figure out the meaning of moraino given its English transliteration: moron.
Man is created in the image of God whereas the remainder of the created order is not (Genesis 1:26). Therefore mankind is separate, special and superior as it relates to all God has made. It explicitly follows from Genesis 1:26 that mankind is not equal or subservient to all that God has created; conversely he has preeminence over creation and the environment. Properly understood, God has appointed man to be His steward over the earth.

Clearly indicative of God’s forsaking wrath is when the abandoned serve the creature rather than the creator.
Indicative of forsaking wrath is a proclivity toward lesbianism and homosexuality.

In this next portion of the passage Scripture indicates the direct result—what is secured—is a depraved mind.
Men and women inherently know what are the right and wrong things to do. A good understanding of the flow of this passage, and what depravity means is summarized by this thought: the mind that finds God worthless becomes worthless itself. It is debauched, deceived, and deserving only of God’s wrath.
Consequential wrath is best understood through the parallel idea we commonly refer to as sowing and reaping. Galatians 6:7 states, “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.To illustrate in one of many ways: If a person or a nation sows debt, it will reap in due time the results of financial crisis. Whenever an individual or corporate group of individuals violate the inviolate precepts of God’s Word, he, she, they or the institution will suffer the respective consequences. Most assuredly America is facing this form of God’s judgment.

Let us backtrack now and answer the question whether America is experiencing the forsaking wrath of God. Unlike the ease of answering the question of the existence of consequential wrath, ascertaining the possible existence of forsaking wrath requires a much more complex biblical analysis. What follows are six reasons why I personally do not believe America as a national entity, is presently subject to the forsaking wrath of God.
America is not similar to Sodom and Gomorrah, in the sense that there were not any faithful to be found (cf. Genesis 18:22–33). In fact to the contrary, America today is populated by tens of millions of faithful followers of Christ!

Many are those who have glibly postured, “If God does not judge America, then he owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology!” But such thinking fails to take into account what went on between Abraham and God in Genesis 18:22–33 before He judged Sodom and Gomorrah!
In fact, today’s America is not by in large characterized by people who are unfaithful to God’s precepts. Conversely, there is only a small minority of individuals who are grossly disobedient to God, individuals to whom the five indicators of Romans 1 apply. Unfortunately for the vast majority of faithful individuals in America, too many of the unfaithful have been allowed by the faithful to gain high positions of influence in our culture: high positions in our government, our educational system, our media and our entertainment industry. This is tragic, unfortunate, and costly.

Those individuals who are rebuked by God’s forsaking wrath are largely responsible for God’s consequential wrath on our nation.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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