various commenters #wingnut #racist
( @Nature_and_Race )
Jews in power will always put the interests of Jews first.
Which is exactly why I oppose them being in power in the countries of my people.
Jews who hold power in White countries will not put the interests of White people first. By that metric alone, Jews should have no power in White countries. White countries should be ruled exclusively by White people, and White people alone, because only White people will put the interests of White people first.
This Jew thing is really blowing up. They should have said, “Yes, we’re disproportionately represented in media, banking, and Hollywood but we’re also disproportionately represented in medicine. It’s because we’re smart.” Boom. The end.
Instead, the raging intolerance of ANY criticism has led the Low IQ community to believe the worst possible interpretation of what Ye was saying.
( @Samueld )
he failed to mention that the reason jews are represented in medicine is not because of intelligence, but because they were put in high positions and then look after their own interests first, just like the post said
( @David_Watson )
@Nature_and_Race Even if jews were super duper smart, it wouldn't justify their power because their influence is too negative.
( @sometimescanbefunny )
Literally any other “race” can put their people first, and it’s applauded and loved. It’s high time that White people care for our race as much as the kikes care about theirs.
( @Johnnybravo88 )
@Nature_and_Race replace jew with White and White with any other race and you would have endless retweets, you'd get a speaking deal at multiple colleges, you'd get book deals and awards for your bravery demonstrated by speaking up against the evil White colonizers. The truth, as it was written, gets you labled as a White supremacist domestic terrorist.
( @DarenFromDelaware )
Who started "EOE" And the subsequent "civil rights amendments" where it made it law to hire the unqualified bc their skin color and gender over qualified White people?
Every. Single. Time.
( @AdolfNiggler )
@Nature_and_Race the question is how did the jews gain so much power in America while being just a tiny part of the population